How to prepare the mind and body of Japanese daily life

Please do 5 every day.

When I wake up in the morning, I drink a glass of plain hot water in the sunlight.

Say hello to the first person in the morning.

I can do anything I want to do in a short time.

I remember the fun of doing what I wanted to do without looking at my smartphone for an hour before going to bed.

Say “Thank you again today” to yourself.
Only this.

Have you ever found it difficult?

Smartphones are the most difficult for me.

For example, if you are told to do what you want to do?

In my case, reading a book, writing a blog, watching a video of my favorite artist on YouTube, etc. are trivial things.

If you don’t want to overdo it and don’t want to take risks but want to have a good life, please give it a try.

In my experience, it will be effective in about half a year.

This will put your body in good shape and pull it to keep your mind healthy.

投稿者: kenichi02122000gmailcom

・30歳で脳出血から左片麻痺! ・「デュアラーでフレキシタリアンで毎日ファスティング生活を田舎でしている中途重度障碍者カウンセラー&フリーwebライター&ダイバーシティマネジメントコンサルタント&データクレンジング要員をしているパラレルワーカーです」 ・ダイバーシティ塾 塾長 ・「自分を大切にする生き方」 ・「養父市の保育と教育から日本を変える」 ・ブログのフォロー、高評価よろしくお願いいたします。
