Rediscovering the Charm of Shikoku – Ancient Japan Alive in Awa and Iyo

Hello to all history enthusiasts! Today, we’ll shine a spotlight on Shikoku, a region deeply entrenched in the ancient history of Japan, particularly focusing on the areas historically known as Awa (now Tokushima Prefecture) and Iyo (now Ehime Prefecture). Shikoku isn’t just another travel destination; it’s a place where deep history, culture, and mystique intertwine. Through this article, I hope to share the allure of Shikoku with many more people.

Historical Background of Awa
Awa faces the Seto Inland Sea and has thrived since ancient times as a key maritime hub. The region is dotted with remains from the Yayoi period, narrating tales of ancient lives and interactions. Particularly noteworthy is the Kofun period, marked by the construction of large burial mounds, signifying its role as a political center. Alongside its rich natural scenery connected to the sea, Awa offers a glimpse into the politics and culture of ancient times.

The Charms of Iyo
On the other hand, Iyo is home to the mystical Mount Ishizuchi, a significant site for ancient religious rituals, highlighting the area’s importance since ancient times. Iyo was a hub for ancient iron production, thanks to its rich iron resources, playing a crucial role in the economic activities of the period. The region is also part of the Shikoku Pilgrimage route, revered since ancient times as a path of faith, cherished by many.

Shikoku Pilgrimage – A Spiritual Culture from the Past
Shikoku is famously known as the “land of pilgrimage.” Traveling through the eighty-eight sacred sites of Shikoku is an ancient form of religious journey, bustling with people seeking spiritual cleansing and new beginnings. Understanding how this religious backdrop has influenced the region’s culture and society can deepen one’s interest in Shikoku’s profound history.

As such, Shikoku is not just any region; it is a valuable place where Japan’s history, especially ancient history, is vividly preserved. Visiting Awa and Iyo allows one to experience the integration of local history, culture, and nature. Shikoku is a must-visit for history buffs or travelers seeking new discoveries. Stepping out from the pages of history and visiting these lands personally can lead to new insights and emotional encounters. I hope this article resonates with many, spreading far and wide through shares. I look forward to your comments and shares as we explore Shikoku together!

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投稿者: kenichi02122000gmailcom

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