place in society

I feel that there is no place for people with high diversity in Japan.  

Some people may feel that they are “people with high diversity”.  

Of course, even if you belong to the largest majority of able-bodied people, you often feel like you don’t belong among them.   

There are many people who say that Japan has become more accepting of diversity and easier to live in than in the past. I am thinking.  

Basically, I don’t say it out loud, but the reason why I wrote this blog is that there are many people who have a harder time living than I imagined, and there are endless consultations, so I don’t categorize them as healthy or disabled. Even among the able-bodied, there are many people who suffer without being understood because they are the able-bodied.  

Disabled people like me can hear the voices of their hearts, saying, “Society will say, ‘You must be a disabled person anyway.'” That’s why people who are expected to be normal by society are really suffering.  

I wrote a blog to let you know about it.

投稿者: kenichi02122000gmailcom

・30歳で脳出血から左片麻痺! ・「デュアラーでフレキシタリアンで毎日ファスティング生活を田舎でしている中途重度障碍者カウンセラー&フリーwebライター&ダイバーシティマネジメントコンサルタント&データクレンジング要員をしているパラレルワーカーです」 ・ダイバーシティ塾 塾長 ・「自分を大切にする生き方」 ・「養父市の保育と教育から日本を変える」 ・ブログのフォロー、高評価よろしくお願いいたします。
